Friday, February 28, 2020

An Unexpected Crossover

Speaking of court, MK and I were watching Law & Order: SVU on Tuesday night.  The SVU stands for "Special Victims Unit."  (Growing up, I though the "S" stood for "s*x" or "s*xual").  I don't watch a lot of SVU; you know I only watch cartoons, soap operas and TCM.  But this episode was good!

It was good because it had an unexpected crossover.  The crossover was between Twin Peaks and Mean Girls.  Yes, Twin Peaks and Mean Girls!  Two things I watched a lot of in high school!  Not a literal crossover, mind you.  Just two actors from both shows, acting together on the neutral field of Law & Order: SVU.

Sherilyn Fenn from Twin Peaks played an evil stepmother.  And Jonathan Bennett from Mean Girls played the stepson.  Also from A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale.  I won't elaborate on their character's relationship.  The episode is called "Deception," by the way.  From season 4, episode 2.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Bailiff Dementors

If you couldn't tell from yesterday's macro-blog post, I've got the Spring Semester Blues.  Things are busy, busy, busy.  And it'll only get busier!  The good news is that I've come across one (1) interesting thing in my studies.  And it isn't even about The Law.

In Copyright, we read a case about Harry Potter.  See Warner Bros. Entm't Inc. v. RDR Books, 575 F. Supp. 2d 513 (S.D.N.Y. 2008).  The case is about the planned publication of a book called The Lexicon.  Online, the Lexicon was a Harry Potter fansite slash wiki like Wookiepedia.  So Warner Brothers sued the publisher before they published the Lexicon in book form.  Because "Just Kidding" Rowling planned on releasing her own encyclopedia.  "Rowling has stated on a number of occasions since 1998 that, in addition to the two companion books, she plans to publish a 'Harry Potter encyclopedia' after the completion of the series and again donate the proceeds to charity."  Id. at 519 (emphasis added).

That's all boring case brief stuff.  But THIS is the interesting part!  Most of the opinion concerns the Lexicon lifting passages direct from the books.  The court quotes from entries on the site, including the entry on Dementors.  So, according to a block quote from the Lexicon, "'[t]he Ministry used Dementors as guards in its courtrooms . . . .'"  Id. at 528.

So they don't let trolls in dungeons, but they let DEMENTORS WORK IN THE COURTROOM?  And collect a PAYCHECK?  As a GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE??  With MY TAX DOLLARS???

According to the Harry Potter Wiki, this wasn't made up whole-cloth by some rogue mod.  "During the 1997 infiltration of the Ministry of Magic, while Harry Potter was disguised as Albert Runcorn, he encountered the Dementors in the Muggle-Born Registration Commission courtroom, where they were used to take away convicted Muggle-borns after interrogation and to terrorise them during interrogation."  The wiki cites Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as its source, but not a page number.  That ain't a correct Bluebook citation, brother!  There's also this picture:
I do not remember this scene from either the book or the film.  Films?  I tried a reverse-image search and couldn't see if this scene was in Part 1 or Part 2.  But I did find a Quora question about the Ministry controlling Bailiff Dementors.  According to Jimmy Gill, System Administrator at Boeing (2012-present), "[t]he Dementors obey the Minister because his government ensures a steady supply of victims for them to feed on."
Straight from the horse's mouth.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

My Mistake(s)

I’m so mad at myself!!! Ahhh!!! I’ve made many mistakes today. 1) I forgot my EarPods at home. I have to ride the bus without my podcasts! My RADIO PROGRAMS!!!

Do you think Ralphie from A Christmas Story would’ve liked podcasts?  Had he grown up in 2020 and not the 1940s?  Would he have been a Patreon subscriber to the Little Orphan Annie Secret Society RSS feed? “Use promo code OVALTINE at checkout”?  Is that ANYTHING!!!

So instead of listening to my program,  I’m writing this macro-blog post out.  On my phone.  While on the bus.  On the Notes app.  It looks like an apology screenshot on Twitter.  You’ll never see it in this format!  Hhha!!!

Which brings me to my next mistake. 2) I neglected to schedule today’s post.  I went and prepped my Mardi Gras well wishes.  But neglected my Ash Wednesday macro-blog post!!!

I didn’t know what the ash part of Ash Wednesday was until I went to college. No, I didn’t try to rub those nice people’s ashes off.  That’s an urban legend!  Protestants don’t do that!!!

And my third (3rd) mistake: I got coffee at the bus stop AGAIN! I already got an iced coffee this morning!  I don’t need a glass, year-round-flavor Starbucks confection from the vending machine!  I’m putting this in my macro-blog post to HOLD MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Such a Night

Merry Mardi Gras!  Go listen to Dr. John (see above)!  Go listen to Louis Prima!  Go listen to Fats Domino!  Go listen to this Dead & Co. show!  Go listen to this twenty-minute "Ain't No Use" jam from the Meters!

Go watch Down by Law!  Go watch King Creole!  Don't watch Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh!  Go read A Confederacy of Dunces!  Go read "What's the Score?" by Ted O'Brien!

You have your orders!  Speaking of spooky places . . .

Monday, February 24, 2020

My Boogens Valentine, My Copyright

Ah yes, physical media: I got the new Scream Factor Blu-Ray of My Bloody Valentine.  I was delayed in purchasing it.  Because, two Thursdays ago, Vintage Stock's card reader was broken!  And when I came back two Fridays ago, cash in hand, the card reader was up and running again!  Who carries cash anymore?
Anyway, it was my first time watching My Bloody Valentine.  And it was as good as I had heard!  Slashers are great for the laughs and the kills.  But I also like them for the local flavor.  Like the Dead, slashers are vehicles for and audit of Americana:
Anyway, while watching My Bloody Valentine I had an idea for a sequel to My Bloody Valentine.  Now, before I tell you my idea, this idea is copyrighted ©.  Maybe not copyrighted © in a legal sense (I'm in Copyright Law right now).  Just know if you violate my non-legal copyright © you're going to macro-blog jail.

With that out of the way, my idea for a sequel is My Boogens Valentine.  Wait, you haven't seen The Boogens?  I've only seen like the first twenty minutes myself.  But there's a lot of crossover between its plot and the plot of My Bloody Valentine.
Both films take place in a mining town.  Both have slasher elements.  And both came out in 1981.  Mirror.  Images.

How would this crossover work on-screen?  What happens in act one?  Act two?  Act three?  I have no idea, my copyright © is on the name alone.

This same copyright © goes for my Hulk Hogan biography.  And my unwritten sequel for Jurassic Park.  But speaking of boogie . . .

Friday, February 21, 2020

The Dark Don't Hide It

This isn't breaking news.  This also isn't an update.  Is this the first macro-blog PSA?  We'll call it that, for now.  Anyway, the Dark Shadows TV show is on Tubi TV for free now.

I got into the show after watching the Tim Burton movie.  But I stopped watching because I lost my Prime free trial.  Now I'm back in it!  And for free again!  I'm in the middle of the "Kidnapping of Maggie" storyline.

One warning: don't start at episode one.  The vampire element doesn't kick in until Barnabas Collins arrives in episode 210.  In a smart decision, Tubi doesn't even have the first 209 episodes.  [Editor's note: yes it does.]  Prime had them in a confusing Dark Shadows: The Beginning collection.

That's all I wanted to say in this PSA.  And yes, I know.  I still need to finish Mystery Incorporated.  But check out this massive DVD boxset:
But speaking of physical media . . .

P.S. Look at this steelbook for Knives Out (emphasis on book):

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The First Installment of the Clint Eastwood Film Festival (ft. My Friend Dan'l)

These transitions are getting harder and harder to write!  Now that that is out of the way, I would like to present my book report.  On Tuesday night, I watched The Bridges of Madison County with my friend Dan'l.  I say "watch" in the broad sense, since we spent most of the film catching up.

One story Dan'l told me was about the jukebox in his high school lunchroom.  It had the Grateful Dead and Billy Joel in it!  Dan'l said he caused the removal of the jukebox, in part.  Dan'l and a friend played "Casey Jones" nine (9) times in a row.  I would say why they played that song nine times, but I'll direct you to Dan'l's blog instead.

What else did we talk about . . . .  Some things I can't put in a macro-blog post.  Either because it goes in the observation journal or it was . . . unverified gossip!  Let's see: we discussed the Rise of Skywalker.  We also discussed our favorite Meryl Streep roles.  Dan'l liked Meryl in Sofie's Choice, and I said Postcards from the Edge.

It was like the friendliest MST3K track!  We did complain about the lack of Clint Eastwood in the first twenty minutes of the film.  We were also concerned during a love scene.  "Whose butt is that?" Dan'l asked.  It wasn't Clint Eastwood's butt.

Let me check my other notes . . . .  I also noted that Meryl Streep might not be able to play an Italian woman in 2020.  Clint, at one point, donned his signature tight, grey t-shirt from Gran Torino.  Dan'l explained to me the utility of covered bridges (it's because of ice).  That about covers it!

But speaking of Tubi TV . . .

P.S. I found this user review on IMDb (see below):

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

More Evil Garfield Faces

It is going slow, but I'm catching up on the macro-blog.  This isn't breaking news, but it is an update to a previous macro-blog post.  There have been developments in disturbing Garfield faces.  I've added "zoom-ins" to emphasize:
Is this the content you signed up for?  But speaking of Clint Eastwood . . .

UPDATE UPDATE 2020-02-26:

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

In Memoriam

Another sad interruption. I just learned that Charles Portis passed away.  Portis may be the greatest writer Arkansas ever produced.  I've been inching my way through his bibliography.  Last winter,  I read Gringos (see above).  And True Grit is one of my brother's favorite books.  It's sad, but I hope the news of his passing introduces more readers to his work.  Now I need to read Dog of the South ASAP.

Monday, February 17, 2020

The Last of the Christmas Coffees

It's true, I am behind on the macro-blog.  What can I say?  I'm in law school!  Lay off!

I took this picture on January 15th, over a month ago.  My plan for the photo was to post it here, lamenting "The Last of the Christmas Coffees."  See, I'm always tempted by the vending machines at the campus bus stop.  And on that day, I purchased what was one of "The Last Christmas Coffees."

This photo is now a moot point!  It's too late to mention Christmas!  It is almost Mardi Gras!  There is no jolly jambalaya!

I am now deleting this photo from my camera roll.  It has served its purpose.  But speaking of MORE belated photos . . .

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Aforementioned Travel Macro-Blog Post (Oxford Edition)

I was so excited about breaking news, I neglected my travel macro-blog post!  Last weekend, MK and I went to Oxford.  We saw my brother's play, shopped on the Square and went to a show at Proud Larry's.  It was one for the books!

But, on trips, I'm bad about taking photos.  Unless we go shopping.  THEN, I'll use my phone camera to take pictures of items, but not of me.  And I'll later use them for reference for my observation journal.

If you want more post-able, good photos, check out MK's non-macro-blog post.  But, now that I'm back on the Internet, I can share my bad photos with you!  Follow me . . .

Our first stop was the End of All Music.  I'm so old, I remember when the store wasn't on the Square.  It was big news when it moved!  Here are some records I took pictures of:
I'm a sucker for a good compilation!  I checked this out later on Spotify and I like this track.
This also looked like another promising comp!  I like this track.
I've been meaning to listen to this!
I forgot R. Crumb was into hot jazz!  I wonder if he ever met Danny Elfman.
And here's a record from Kingfish!  MK and I saw him open for Vampire Weekend last year.  He's from Mississippi!

The next stop was Square Books, my old employer.  I went in looking for LIVEBLOG by Megan Boyle, but they were sold out.  A copy was there the last time I visited in January!  I ended up getting Cigarette Lighter by macro-blog favorite Jack Pendarvis.
This is the only picture I took.  I've never heard of Gary Lutz, and I like Tyrant Books.

Our third stop was Cotton Boll Antique Mall.  I shopped there in college for used books and records.  They still have a lot of both!
TWO Elvis records!  I like the colors and font of the first.  But how was Elvis "Raised on Rock"?
I didn't get this, but I've been meaning to read something by John D. MacDonald.
Look at that cat!
And there's Huston Nutt, former Ole Miss and Arkansas head football coach!

Our last stop was the Depot Antique Mall.  One Friday night a few years ago, I talked to the clerk about Mississippi football for thirty minutes!
I would've gotten this "box set" if I had an 8-track player!
I've never heard of this comic!  It reminded me of the current Excalibur series at Marvel.
It's Randolph Scott from Ride the High Country!
I didn't know they made a movie out of the great Willie Nelson record!  Now I do!

Okay, that's all the pictures I took!  Speaking of belated photos . . . .