Monday, February 17, 2020

The Last of the Christmas Coffees

It's true, I am behind on the macro-blog.  What can I say?  I'm in law school!  Lay off!

I took this picture on January 15th, over a month ago.  My plan for the photo was to post it here, lamenting "The Last of the Christmas Coffees."  See, I'm always tempted by the vending machines at the campus bus stop.  And on that day, I purchased what was one of "The Last Christmas Coffees."

This photo is now a moot point!  It's too late to mention Christmas!  It is almost Mardi Gras!  There is no jolly jambalaya!

I am now deleting this photo from my camera roll.  It has served its purpose.  But speaking of MORE belated photos . . .